Thu 02 Jan
Busty & Beautiful💜 1 Heck of a Combo! No one else will compare! I can get that cream out✦60hhr - 26
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Norwalk (Pioneer and Imperial))
**Mature American Beauty for adult pleasure , fetish play , body to body rubs. **Tight** Outcall!! - 43
(300 Hour Outcall, City of San Diego, San Diego)
———— **THiCK*CuRVy *T@TTooEd *BLONDE BuNNy* —— *Highly Reviewed!* (Great Rates) **DoubleD's & 46" - 24
(North Jersey, ❤💜 NEWARK 💜❤ 1&9 STH)
try me 60 special ★SmAll n PeTiTe ★PuErToRiCaN & bLaCk an IrIsH 3237986761 lets get nasty - 20
(Los Angeles, artesia405western gardena torranc carson)
(Make Me) N.U.T All Over You =>The Pu$$y=> IS G.O.O.D!!! As A Matter of Fact, It's F*cking *AWESOME*
Take a VOW To End Mediocracy & Join this Exotic Beauty That Will Blow YOUR MIND!!!
(285 & 78 East / I- 20 East)
voloptous BETTY bbwI spanish 80 half .fullbody rub 786 362-9717 big hot - 32
(doral/hialeah/downtown miamidade)
◆ •—§ _ K_ i_ L _ L _§——• ☆ •——B € Y O N D ——• ☆ •——M € A S U R € ——•◆ - 19
(Austin, iN / OutCall .. Specials)